Business event

IMPROVED 10 year anniversary



How do you celebrate your 10th anniversary while aiming to stay current throughout the entire year?

IMPROVED surprised every tenth of the month throughout their anniversary year with inspiring shareable content for both existing and new partners, envisioning the future together. The series commenced with a film introducing the theme "Future IMPROVED," conceptualized and produced by XSAGA Video. Subsequently, various other pieces of content followed, including a special supplement sent to relationships' doorsteps (A selection of climate journalism), crafted through a close collaboration with Economist Impact.

The highlight of the anniversary celebration was the unique event 'Future IMPROVED,' produced by XSAGA at Move Amsterdam. International keynote speakers within the climate tech ecosystem engaged in a discussion on the importance of accelerating global collaboration, innovation, and investments to combat climate change. Harpist Remy van Kesteren opened the event in a remarkable manner, with visuals depicting a significantly altered climate on screen, emphasizing the urgency of investing in a world that must transform to address climate challenges.

Remy van Kesteren tijdens 10 jarig jubileum IMPROVED

Celebrating 10 years of IMPROVED Corporate Finance wasn't confined to just one specific day. XSAGA conceived the idea of running a 10-month campaign on the 10th day, culminating in a top-notch event on the actual anniversary. Themed around "Future IMPROVED," XSAGA orchestrated a first-class business event, eliciting the most commonly heard response: "ON-DUTCHLY GOOD." So witnessed.

Frank Verbeek - Managing Partner