Business event

ABN AMRO Insight Live 2024



What are the requirements for a future-proof deal?

Closing deals has something magical and elusive about it, yet it is also essential. However, in an era of change, not every partnership is equally future-proof. With the rise of new technology, geopolitical uncertainty, and climate change, many organizations and governments are searching for a new balance.

During ABN AMRO Insights Live, the bank's 1,600 corporate clients participated in four seminars, uncovering the secrets to a future-proof deal. Each seminar had its own perspective, covering topics such as the role of decarbonization, innovation, and geopolitical shifts. Top executives, including Peer Swinkels (CEO of Royal Swinkels), Willemien Terpstra (CEO of Gasunie), and Tjark Tjin-A-Tsoi (CEO of TNO), shared insights on how they are shaping the future.

The event series received a rating of 8.7 from attendees, resulting in an NPS of +60. The survey highlighted the added value of the seminars in positioning the bank as a knowledgeable sparring partner.