Business event

“Dag van de Ruimtelijke Ordening”

Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations


Create a concept and organize the 'Dag van de Ruimtelijke Ordening' (formerly the NOVI Conference).

Create a concept and organize the 'Dag van de Ruimtelijke Ordening' (formerly the NOVI Conference).The transition to a sustainable economy, a good balance between agriculture and nature, and strong cities and villages require a lot of space. To allocate the space in the Netherlands fairly, solid decisions are essential. This was the reason for the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to organize the 'Dag van de Ruimtelijke Ordening' (the Day of Spatial Planning).

Everyone involved in the planning and organization of our country’s space came together at the NBC Congress Center in Nieuwegein. Officials and employees or stakeholders from the national government, regional and local authorities, the business sector, civil society organizations, knowledge and educational institutions—500 attendees in total—represented a wide range of sectors and all parts of the country. This diversity was a crucial component of the event’s success, as only by having all parties at the table can interests be properly aligned.

The dynamic plenary program consisted of two parts. Among others, Minister Hugo de Jonge inspired attendees to focus on "geographical security of existence," which means nothing less than factoring in the interests of future generations in all decisions. To encourage networking moments, the event also included nine highly interactive workshops that attendees could participate in over two rounds.

Watch the aftermovie here

Dag van de Ruimtelijke Ordening
Dag van de Ruimtelijke Ordening

It was yet another spectacular day filled with gems! XSAGA simply knows how it's done—if you're looking for something extraordinary, XSAGA is the right choice.

Anita Nirandjan, Project leader ‘Dag van de Ruimtelijke Ordening’